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Enforced specificity of an animal symbiosis

Wagner, J.M., Wong, J.H, Millar, J.G., Haxhimali, E., Brückner, A., Naragon, T.H., Boedicker, J.Q., and Parker, J. (2024)

bioRxiv, 2024.08.04.606548 [PDF]

Organ Evolution: Emergence of Multicellular Function
Parker, J. (2024)
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (in press) [PDF]
The Genomic and Cellular Basis of Biosynthetic Innovation in Rove Beetles
Kitchen, S.A, Naragon, T.H., Brückner, A. Ladinsky, M.S., Quinodoz, S.A., Badroos, J.M., Viliunas, J.W., Kishi, Y., Wagner, J.M., Miller, D.R., Yousefelahiyeh, M., Antoshechkin, I.A., Eldredge, K.T., Pirro, S., Guttman, M., Davis, S.R. Aardema, M.L. and Parker, J. (2024)
Cell, 187, 3563–3584 [PDF]
Monitoring Social Insect Activity with Minimal Human Supervision
Sharma, T., Wagner, J.M., Beery, S. Dickson, W.B., Dickinson, M.H., Parker, J. (2024)
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1244-1253 [PDF]
Symbiosis: Did Bacteria Bias the Beetle Big Bang?
Parker, J. (2024)
Current Biology, 34, R323-R325 [PDF]
The MABe22 benchmarks for representation learning of multi-agent behavior 
Sun, J.J., Marks, M., Ulmer, A., Chakraborty, D., Geuther, B., Hayes, E., Jia, H., Kumar, V., Oleszko, S., Partridge, Z., Peelman, M., Robie, A., Schretter, C.E., Sheppard, K., Sun, C., Uttarwar, P., Wagner, J.M., Werner, E., Parker, J., Perona, P., Yue, Y., Branson, K. and Kennedy, A. (2023)
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2023, Article 1368, 32936-32990 [PDF]
The Bank Most Tangled
Parker, J. (2022)
Current Biology, 32, R1328-R1330 [PDF]
Transitional Morphology and Afrotropical Affinity of a Bythinoplectine Rove Beetle from the Early Eocene of India (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae)
Parker, J. (2022)
Palaeoentomology, 5, 452–460 [PDF]
Interactions Between Insect Species: Their Evolution and Mechanistic Architecture
Parker, J. (2022)
Current Opinion in Insect Science, 53:100963 [PDF]
Genomic Diversity Across the Rickettsia and ‘Candidatus Megaira’ Genera and Proposal of Genus Status for the Torix Group
Davison, H.D., Pilgrim, J., Wybouw, N., Parker, J., Pirro, S., Hunter-Barnett, S., Campbell, P.M., Blow, F., Darby, A.C., Hurst, G.D.D. and Siozios, S. (2022)
Nature Communications, 13: 2630 [PDF]
Parallel Evolutionary Paths of Rove Beetle Myrmecophiles: Replaying a Deep-Time Tape of Life
Naragon, T.H., Wagner, J. and Parker, J. (2022)
Current Opinion in Insect Science, 51:100903 [PDF]
The Neural Basis of Interspecies Interactions in Insects
Kanwal, J.K. and Parker, J. (2022)

Current Opinion in Insect Science, 50:100891 [PDF]

Optimal Dynamic Incentive Scheduling for Hawk-Dove Evolutionary Games
Stuckey, K., Dua, R., Ma, Y., Parker, J. and Newton, P.K. (2022)

Physical Review E, 105, 014412 [PDF]

Parker, J. (2022)

Current Biology, 32, R6-R8 [PDF]

Evolutionary Assembly of Cooperating Cell Types in an Animal Chemical Defense System
Brückner, A., Badroos, J.M.,  Learsch, R.W., Yousefelahiyeh, M., Kitchen, S.A. and Parker, J. (2021)

Cell, 184, 6138-6156 [PDF]

How Ants Shape Biodiversity
Parker, J. and Kronauer, D.J.C. (2021)

Current Biology, 31, R1208-R1214 [PDF]

Species Distribution Modeling for Machine Learning Practitioners: A Review
Beery, S., Cole, E., Parker, J., Perona, P. and Winner, K. (2021)
COMPASS '21: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies, 329–348 [PDF]

Structure of an Ant-Myrmecophile-Microbe Community
Perry, E.K, Siozios, S.,  Hurst, G.D.D. and Parker, J. (2021)

bioRxiv, 2021.10.04.462948 [PDF]

Unearthing Real-Time 3D Ant Tunneling Mechanics
Buarque de Macedoa, R., Ando, E., Joy, S., Viggiani, G., Kumar Pal, R., Parker, J. and Andrade, J.E.(2021)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, e2102267118 [PDF]

Cell Type Innovation at the Tips of Animal Tree
Kishi, Y. and Parker, J. (2021)

Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 69, 112-121 [PDF]

Diversification of Myrmecophilous Clavigeritae beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) and Their Radiation in New Caledonia
Hlaváč, P., Parker, J., Maruyama, M. and Fikáček, M. (2021)

Systematic Entomology, 46, 422-452 [PDF]

Control of Drosophila Wing Size by Morphogen Range and Hormonal Gating
Parker, J. and Struhl, G. (2020)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 31935-31944 [PDF]

Evolution: Shape-Shifting Social Parasites
Parker, J. and Rabeling, C. (2020)

Current Biology, 30, R1049-R1051 [PDF]

Molecular Evolution of Gland Cell Types and Chemical Interactions in Animals
Brückner, A. and Parker, J. (2020)

Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, jeb211938 [PDF]

A Mesozoic Clown Beetle Myrmecophile (Coleoptera: Histeridae)

Zhou, Y.L., Ślipiński, A., Ren, D. and Parker, J. (2019)

eLife, 8:e44985 [PDF]

Batriscydmaenus Parker and Owens, New Genus, and Convergent Evolution of a “Reductive” Ecomorph in Socially Symbiotic Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

Parker, J. and Owens, B. (2018)

The Coleopterists Bulletin, 72, 219-229 [PDF]

A New Stem Bythinine in Cretaceous Burmese Amber and Early Evolution of Specialized Predatory Behavior in Pselaphine Rove Beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

Yin, Z.-W., Parker, J., Cai, C.-Y., Huang D.-Y. and Lia, L.-Z. (2018)

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 16, 531-541 [PDF]

Hox-Logic of Body Plan Innovations for Social Symbiosis in Rove Beetles

Parker, J., Eldredge, K.T., Thomas, I., Coleman, R., and Davis, S. (2018)

bioRxiv 198945 [PDF]

Evidence from Amber for the Origins of Termitophily

Yamamoto, S., Maruyama, M. and Parker, J. (2017)

Current Biology, 27, R792–R794 [PDF]

Deep-Time Convergence in Rove Beetle Symbionts of Army Ants

Maruyama, M. and Parker, J. (2017)

Current Biology, 27, 920-926 [PDF]


Evolutionary Stasis in Enigmatic Jacobsoniid Beetles

Yamamoto, S., Takahashi, Y. and Parker, J. (2017)

Gondwana Research, 45, 275–281 [PDF]

Staphylinids: Quick Guide

Parker, J. (2017)

Current Biology, 27, R43–R56 [PDF]

Evidence for Social Parasitism of Early Insect Societies by Cretaceous Rove Beetles

Yamamoto, S., Maruyama, M. and Parker, J. (2016)

Nature Communications, 7: 13658 [PDF]

Emergence of a Superradiation: Pselaphine Rove Beetles in Mid-Cretaceous Amber From Myanmar and Their Evolutionary Implications

Parker, J. (2016)

Systematic Entomology, 41, 541–466 [PDF]

Myrmecophily in Beetles (Coleoptera): Evolutionary Patterns and Biological Mechanisms

Parker, J. (2016)

Myrmecological News, 22, 65–108 [PDF]

Scaling the Drosophila Wing: TOR-Dependent Target Gene Access by the Hippo Pathway Transducer Yorkie

Parker, J. and Struhl, G. (2015)

PLoS Biology, 13(10): e1002274 [PDF]

Specialized Myrmecophily at the Ecological Dawn of Modern Ants

Parker, J. and Grimaldi, D. (2014)

Current Biology, 24, 2428–2434 [PDF]

Morphogenia: a New Genus of the Neotropical Tribe Jubini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from the Brazilian Amazon

Parker, J. (2014)

Zookeys, 373, 57–66 [PDF]

The Pselaphinae of Madagascar. II. Redescription of the Genus Semiclaviger Wasmann, 1893 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Clavigeritae) and Synonymy of the Subtribe Radamina Jeannel, 1954

Hlaváč, P., Baňař, P., and Parker, J. (2013)

Zootaxa, 3736, 265–276 [PDF]

Jubogaster towai, a New Neotropical Genus and Species of Trogastrini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) Exhibiting Myrmecophily and Extreme Body Enlargement

Parker, J. and Maruyama, M. (2013)

Zootaxa, 3630, 369–378 [PDF]

Morphogens, Nutrients, and the Basis of Organ Scaling

Parker, J. (2011)

Evolution and Development, 13, 304–314 [PDF]

Control of Compartment Size by an EGF Ligand from Neighboring Cells

Parker, J. (2006)

Current Biology, 16, 2058–2065 [PDF]

The Proximate Determinants of Insect Size

Parker, J. and Johnston (2006)

Journal of Biology, 5, 15 [PDF]

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